Friday 6 December 2013

Choice of props for our Thriller!

We will use car keys as a tool to que the next soundtrack of the film; when the engine is switched on the radio will also turn on and the music will begin to play. We will then be able to insert non-diegetic sounds to change the atmosphere of the scene. They also serve as a distraction from the gun that will be in the front compartment.

The Morris Traveller is the main setting and car that we will be using to base the strangulation scene. It is a confined space, which helps us address the conventions of a thriller by introducing a claustrophobic atmosphere; putting the two characters in an intimate space with intentions of murder. The car also fits the time period of 1956, however it has no alarm in it that can be activated and offers no real chance for the protagonist to help himself when being attacked.

The thick orange rope will be used to strangle the protagonist with. We chose this colour because we wanted it to resonate in the audience's mind and almost resemble blood. It is also not the kind of colour rope that youy would expect to see in a strangulation scene, which agains adds mystery. We have also planned to use a long length rope to create a continous shot following the rope back into the boot of the car. Here the newspaper will be laid down and we can use this for our title sequence.
The gun in the film has obvious connotations with danger, violence but also importance. It can be expected that the protagonist is dangerous from the basis that he has a gun. When the audience sees the gun this instantly creates tension and suspense as we do not know what is to come.

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